Coucou, moi c'est Caroline. I've been a French teacher for more than a decade now, both online and in-school. I help you speak more naturally and understand spoken French.
Coucou, moi c'est Caroline. I've been a French teacher for more than a decade now, both online and in-school. I help you speak more naturally and understand spoken French.
Welcome to the twenty-seventh episode of this series that will transport you to the daily life of a French woman. We will cover specific vocabulary to increase your fluency while practicing particular grammar points.
I hope you enjoyed last week’s episode. If you have missed it, I suggest you go listen to it as in today’s “A day in French” we will use what we have learnt. Last week, we did the theory and today we’ll practice. I will tell you about my dreams and things I wish I could do. The grammar focus is for everybody, that’s quite unusual, since we will review the verb “manquer” and there will also be some B level grammar with a review of the hypothesis. Everything can be found below in the study guide I have created. Stay tuned!
In this Episode
Practice your verb “manquer”
Review the hypothesis and how to talk about dreams
A challenge for you to shine
Music: Wonder Happens by Podington Bear – Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License